Derniers dépôts
Leticia Schiavon Kolberg, Elodie Charpentier, Alex de Carvalho. Coverbal Speech Gestures Do Not Impact Preschoolers' Ability to Use Prosodic Information to Constrain Parsing. Ali, H A., Ray, J. BUCLD 48: Proceedings of the 48th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 1, Cascadilla Press, pp.271-284, 2024, Proceedings of the 48th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 978-1-57473-097-5. ⟨hal-04939215⟩
Elizabeth Swanson, Hugh Rabagliati, Alex de Carvalho. Preschoolers' Real-Time Eye Movements Reveal Sensitivity to Connective Meanings During Word Learning. Hayat Abdullah Ali AlThagafi; Jupitara Ray. BUCLD 48: Proceedings of the 48th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 2, Cascadilla Press, pp.572-585, 2024, 978-1-57473-097-5. ⟨hal-04939202⟩
João Carlos de Aquino Carvalho, Isabelle Maurin, Pedro Chaves de Souza Segundo, Athanasios Laliotis, Domingos de Sousa Meneses, et al.. Near-Field Thermal and Vacuum Fluctuations at an Interface: Experimental Attempts for a Precise Determination of Surface Resonances. Classical and Quantum Fluctuations across Systems and Scales. 823. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, WE Heraeus Foundation; Kurt Busch; Salvatore Butera; Francesco Intravaia, Dec 2024, Bad Honnef, Germany. ⟨hal-04943472⟩